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How Gastric Bypass Surgery In Mexico Is Done

By Christa Jarvis

Gastric bypass surgery is a form of surgical procedure which involves dividing the stomach into two portions and then reconnecting the two portions to the small intestine. The dividing of the stomach is done in a way that there is a smaller upper section and a bigger lower section. Currently there are many procedures that can be used to reconnect the small intestine to the two stomach pouches. Gastric bypass surgery in Mexico comes in several variations suitable for different applications.

This procedure is applied in treating morbid obesity. Some people cannot control their body weight through exercise and dietary efforts leaving this procedure the only viable option. It is recommendable in cases where obesity threatens of exerts adverse effects on quality of life. A hundred pounds over the ideal weight is considered life threatening. According to insurance companies, ideal body weight is one at which life is expected to be longest.

Morbid obesity is corrected by gastric bypass surgery through two major effects. The first effect is through the reduction of the total volume of stomach that is functional. Reduced functional stomach volume reduces the amount of food that can be held and digested by the stomach. With reduced digestion, absorption is also reduced hence the overall body weight.

The second effect of the procedure is to alter how the stomach and the entire body responds to food. After the surgery, patients has reported that they feel different when they eat food. Normally a small amount of food makes them feel like they have eaten too much already. The feeling of having a full stomach lasts for several weeks, but the stomach adapts gradually. There are almost no cases of people becoming obese again after they have undergone the procedure.

Three main variants of these process are proximal, mini, and distal gastric bypass. The proximal variant is the commonest of the other two. It is performed on a massive scale in the United States than the rest of the other variants in use currently. In 2008, the procedure was done on over 200, 000 patients to rectify morbid obesity. The rearrangement of the small intestine into a Y-configuration allows food from the smaller stomach pouch to flow via a Roux limb.

The distal variant reduces the ability of the stomach to absorb food by shifting the Y-connection down the gastro-intestinal system. In this variant, efficiency of food absorption is highly increased although the absorption surface is greatly reduced. There is a lot of obstruction in how certain minerals, starches, fat-soluble vitamins, and fats are absorbed. As a result, body weight drops at a constant rate as the stomach adapts to accommodate more food.

This procedure does not come free of complications. Sometimes people spend several months in the hospital receiving treatment after undergoing the process. Others just die immediately or after a few weeks. Patients who die normally have pre-existing medical conditions such as diebetes mellitus, obstructive sleep apnea, and heart disease, which heighten mortality rate.

Complications may occur immediately during operation or later on. Mortally tends to increase over time with most cases being observed during the first thirty days. When seeking to undergo this procedure, it is advisable to go for a surgeon with a lot of experience in this field.

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