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Starting Up A Mobile Massage Therapy Kelowna BC, Business

By Marci Nielsen

In this generation, popularity of mobile servicing is expanding. Individuals can get services with ease. For mobile massage therapy Kelowna BC, services are provided to clients from wherever they are. For the case of wedding ceremonies, they often need these services. Some clients may want to get these services from anywhere including casinos.

What has always been the norm is renting an office space for this service to be offered. Having a mobile office is rather unique when it comes to providing massages. It is also risky, since you have no knowledge of the safety of the place you may be going. It is wise to know if you really want to be a mobile service provider or if you prefer to get a place that you can rent.

Since the business is mobile, it is vital to take safety precautions, since the work involves going to the home of a stranger. You cannot quite screen your potential client and tell if they pose any harm or not. It could be wise to get an assistant, who will know where you are at any given time and give you information regarding your appointments. When going to hotels you can inform the security that you are present.

Considering the fact that it is mobile, a lot of time will be spent on traveling. You may even be caught in traffic. This will prompt the need to leave some enough time between sessions to avoid delaying the client. You need to know that the time wasted need to be compensated for. Thus the need to charge more for the services.

A business plan is essential for this venture. The business plan required is no different from that which is needed by another business. An extensive market research is vital to know if the services will be viable within the locality. It is crucial to know the level of demand especially the areas that have retired and wealthy people.

It is vital to have the knowledge of the required equipment for the service done well. You should also determine if the vehicle used for traveling will be able to accommodate all the required equipment, things such as; sheets, pillows, music player, towels, lotions, a clock and oils. It will be important to always confirm that you have all the required tools of service before going for the next session.

To determine the viability of the business a market plan is vital. You have to determine how your clients will be able to access you. It is therefore of importance to get a website that can be online accessed. A tourist zone can be good to operate in, since the demand for such service is higher.

For you to be able to keep you clients and get more, you need to have an established network of good referrals. You can be creative enough and come up with ideas that will be able to expand on the network of clients. Having good business cards can really be essential. Deciding to use social media platform such as Facebook or even emails to communicate of your availability, may be informative to the clients.

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