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Discover The Many Benefits Of Reading To Infants And Teaching Them To Love Books

By Karina Frost

Reading with one's child, no matter how young he or she is, is a true example of quality time. It helps build a close parent/child relationship and stimulates the baby's emotional and intellectual growth in a variety of ways. When parents recognize these benefits of reading to infants, they should make a point of incorporating this activity into their baby's day.

Shortly after birth, parents can begin reading to their new son or daughter. Simply hearing the familiar sound of the parent's voice and snuggling in their arms brings a sense of comfort and security to the baby, which helps create closeness and intimacy between the two.

Although at first, a baby will not have an understanding of what the words mean, the act of introducing these words can contribute a great deal to building a vocabulary. An awareness of the patterns of speech such as inflections, tone, and rhythm will also be picked up by the child as he or she listens. The more words they hear at this age, the easier it will be for them to learn to talk later on.

Fundamental language skills are not the only area stimulated by reading to young children, it has also been found to improve their critical and mathematical thinking abilities. In the long run it will ultimately encourage an earlier use of words and speaking. When the baby reaches the age where he or she can recognize pictures and sounds, this will increase their interest even more in reading.

Stories also introduce children to the abstract concept of emotions and feelings. This is apparent not only on an explicit level in the narrative of the book, but is also implied by the tone of the parent's voice. The significance of the visual aspects of a book should also be acknowledged, as the baby sees various colors, shapes, letters, and patterns, it helps further their sensory and cognitive processes.

Babies who have a regular "storytime" with mom or dad at a certain time each day, especially before bedtime, also tend to sleep more soundly through the night. It is a great way to unwind after a busy day's activity and can be very soothing. A tired baby may even drift off to sleep as he or she listens to the calming sound of the parent's voice.

Building a personal book collection for the child is important. Books should be suited to the baby's age, generally the younger the child, the more indestructible his or her books should be since babies are known to be tough on them. Many are made of durable vinyl or cloth for this purpose. Young children are most captivated by simple verses or single words, colorful illustrations, and in some, different textures.

Older babies will start to play a more active role in their own storytime as they begin to recognize pictures and sounds. They will point out and name objects, imitate sounds, and show a definite response to what they are hearing. These early literary experiences are essential for instilling a love of books and reading that can last for a lifetime.

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