By Kevin Butler Everybody wants to look good in every way possible. It is not wrong to strive to get the best out of your looks. When your body is uncontrollably getting out of proportion, you may decide to find a solution to the situation. When knowing the kind of look you want, it may be easier to explain to someone who can help you find a lasting or temporary solution. Though there are plenty of methods used to reduce weight, many people these days have discovered the scalpel as a more effective method. Below are some options for bariatric surgery New York surgeons offer. One of the most common procedures these days is the gastric sleeve. When a more significant portion of your stomach is surgically removed, you are only left with a small tube-like stomach. The idea is that it will get full faster than an averagely sized belly. Therefore, since you can eat as much as the size of your stomach, you will not eat much. They also offer gastric bypass in which you will absorb f...